• Fastify, Prisma, Docker and Swagger REST API Boilerplate project. Using Typescript (ovbiously)

    This is more like a work-in-progress type of thing, but a few weeks to go I had to write some kind of project skeleton to to demonstrate how to use Fastify and their awesome schema feature and also include Prisma for the database.

  • Fancy words in Tech Episode III: Design patterns

    This is a immense topic, but on this post I will try to summarize the core concepts and explain the most common design patterns in software (or at least those I've personally run into during my career); like a "cheatsheet", or like a public personal note, that most likely will need to keep updating.

  • Traefik: Docker routing made easy

    This quick post will only focus on setting up Traefik as a routing solution for your web services on a single Docker hosts. Will also help you generate your LetsEncrypt powered certificates. What i expose here is not a solution for big projects by any means, it will help you understand what Traefik does best and (like in my case) help me deploy those 'toy-like' projects, maybe some demos for your clients without having to setup a massive architecture with something like k8.

  • Fancy words in Tech Episode II: GraphQL

    It's been around for many years, and like other buzz-words many companies choose the tech just because "certain FANG company uses", then It must be good for my solution. Here i will try to summarize the most important key points of this technology, when and where is intended to be used and what a developer does when working on a project like this.

  • Typescript is the present and future of Node/JS, move on!

    Outside of personal projects most of my career been on the web, i been through the vanilla era, the jquery era, and the React prison we now live on. TypeScript comes to make your life not as painful, and actually give you a great developer experience.

  • Using Makefiles to improve Docker image build experience

    Makefile is a building tool that's been around forever; and while some of us may remember it from building our first couple projects (and may hate those times and the struggle); But I believe it's an awesome tool that by just adding a single file to our project It can speed / easy up our daily work flow on: how we build, run locally, etc our 'Dockerized' projects

  • The SOLID Programming Principles OOP(s)!

    We can think of these as a general guide. There are many more, here are the ones I come up often, they are five and go by the acronym of S.O.L.I.D. The good thing about SOLID is that helps you decouple/breaking apart your code. Giving our modules independence of each other and make our code more maintainable, scalable, reusable and testable.

  • Telegram bot with Flask

    Telegram been on the spotlight for the last few months and bots it's been something i been writing since I started programming; from the good ol' IRC to my first project i did professionally: an msnp bot.

  • Laravel: working with Components

    One of the features present in the last few versions of Laravel is Blade components. For some reason (at least on the projects i had to to work) the adoption isn't great. They come to fill a void within the MVC pattern and organize our projects nicely.

  • Working with Docker it's EASY!

    I haven't post in a while, and it's gonna be a good rant.... I mean, content! For the past decade we've been bombarded by new tech specially in the development area.... and lots; LOTSSSS of new fancy words to describe technology that came to this world to make our development lives easier, NOT HARD.

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I'm currently open for new projects or join pretty much any project i may fit in, let me know!

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