It's been around for many years, and like other buzz-words many companies choose the tech just because "certain FANG company uses", then It must be good for my solution. Here i will try to summarize the most important key points of this technology, when and where is intended to be used and what a developer does when working on a project like this.
In my first Swift post I'll explain how to consume a simple REST service, parse the JSON response and map it into our own objects using some libraries and generics. Also it includes the implementation of a simple singleton class to keep our code and service calls organized.
I wrote a Ruby application using the Sinatra framework, it comes with simple database model and a couple services: one to get a list of all elements, and another to fetch one by providing their ID. The results are returned as a JSON response.
This post is a collection of code snippets about how to make HTTP requests and parse the response. Also as example I included how to verify a Recaptcha field using the API from Google