Made An open source COVID-19 Data Tracker API

For those Data freaks ... or i must say tinker boomers, made a simple rest API to fetch data about Covid-19 by country. You can do whatever with it, but don't be a naughty boy with the requests, yo IP may get blacklisted and i don't really care. 

I made this to use it myself while learning some stuff that needed a bunch of data. This is probably gonna be probably an on-going experiment / project so take it as it is.

Don't expect number/data changes,but JSON structure and data availability changes may happen.

Update Jan 10th, 2021: I made a page to document changes, i won't be updating here anymore. ALSO SOME MORE DETAILS IN THERE, Like sources and such!

Endpoint location{iso_code}

List of ISO 3166-1 (alpha-3) country codes (Three letters)

Example Request:

Example Response (updated)

    "date": "2021-04-17T00:00:00.000000Z",
    "name": "United States",
    "iso": "USA",
    "region": "North America",
    "cases": {
        "new": 52373,
        "new_per_million": 158.225,
        "total": 31628013
    "deaths": {
        "new": 680,
        "new_per_million": 2.054,
        "total": 566904
    "vaccines": {
        "total_dosis": 205871913,
        "people_vaccinated": 129494179,
        "people_fully_vaccinated": 82471151,
        "people_vaccinated_per_hundred": 38.72,
        "people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred": 24.66
    "last_update": "2021-04-19T02:57:50.000000Z"

Also, yes.. there is some more data (and an ugly VUE frontend at .

i'll probably add some more endpoints. I just don't need em at the moment, so that's why.


  • Data gets updated about 2 times per day, when? depends on country and source.
  • Consume this Rest API using some sort of backend technology.
  • Sending too many requests may result on IP blacklist.
  • For now, CORS disabled to avoid hotlink (running on a potato instance).
  • In theory calling this endpoint once per hour should be more than enough to keep you updated with the most recent data.

Have fun with it, and be safe out-there <3

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